Friday, July 18, 2008

Something New

Janet and I have been furiously buying books and audiobooks so that the Popular Reading shelves will be stocked when school starts next month. The staff at Barnes and Noble are great about providing us bestseller lists, but how do we go beyond the top sellers?

One of the tools librarians use in Books in Print. UND subscribes to it so you have to be on campus or have a Umail account to use it off campus. We’re going to put a "customer friendly" version of this service on the blog so that you can use it for your own reading choices or to make suggestions for us to buy. You can get lists by subject or award winners, you can also put in any year from the past century to read about what happened that year, and to see which books were bestsellers. I won't tell you the year I was born but the #1 bestseller was Airport by Arthur Hailey. His previous novel was Hotel. Hmm I see a pattern here...

Click on Fiction Connection (we don’t subscribe to nonfiction connection) and look for stories with really specific topics like “Kidnapping” or ones set in an archaeological dig. I don’t think free sites such as Amazon get that specific. Books in Print will be upgrading soon and you’ll be able to see even more reviews and ratings on books too.

Check it out and let us know what you think!


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