Friday, February 8, 2008

It's a good day


Can you feel the energy? I'm so excited because the author of Wicked Lovely COMMENTED ON THIS BLOG! That's it, I promise I'll read that book and I'm sure I will love this mystery story. Thank you Melissa!

Also, we had a terrific write-up by Dakota Student Reporter Megan Ewert. I could tell that she gets the value of this project. I hope she visits soon and even writes a review or a comment.
I was talking to a friend (who also works at the library) about Affliction over lunch at the ND Museum of Art cafe. We don't want to give away any of the suspense but we both really felt sorry for Wade (unlike a lot of others who didn't have a lot of patience for the guy). We also agreed on some other plot points but we'd give away too much if we told. The amazing thing is that this author, Russell Banks, will be in Grand Forks next month so we could ask him questions about this book.

Take care Janet. I know you'll be going shopping at the Bookstore on Monday and you already have some student requests. Have fun!

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