Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Review: Graffiti Women

Book: Graffiti Women: Street Art from the Five Continents
Author: Nicholas Ganz-Editor
Art Survey/Art Catalog
Although not a work of fiction, Graffiti Women is an important art exposé pertaining strictly to works by female graffiti artists. My best friend sent this to me, and as an art student I feel it is a valid and fascinating collection of urban and contemporary artists in a field that is riddled with misunderstandings within much of mainstream society. In addition, the Chester Fritz Library houses the book’s counterpart: Graffiti World—also edited by Nicholas Ganz. Both are aesthetically beautiful.
Stephanie Clark


Popular Librarians said...

Thanks, Stephanie, for this review. The book sounds fascinating, and I'm excited to take a look at it. It's certainly an area I know very little about, so I'll definitely learn from it!


Popular Librarians said...

As the Art librarian I'm seeing many more books on graffiti--it's a hot topic. In the ODIN catalog type "Street Art" and you'll see the books we have.

Also keep your eye out at campus events. Some framed graffiti art pieces were recently available for purchase at an art auction fundraiser for University Children's Center. It could be a fun way to start an art collection. At the event my husband bought a piece from a graphic artist and we love it!
