Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Jane Austen Book Club by Karen Fowler

Are you reading Jane Austen for your classes? Have you seen A&E or Masterpiece Theatre productions of these classics? If so, don't stop there -- try to remember to pick these books up several times throughout your life. You will enjoy them and be amazed at the staying power of these stories.

In the Jane Austen Book Club, a group of 5 women and 1 man decide to read every major Jane Austen novel over the course of a year. I have not accomplished that -- I just keep returning to Pride and Prejudice. I'm in a book club with fellow moms, many associated with UND, however I can't say I tremendously enjoyed reading a fictional account of a book club. I wasn't really hooked into the story and I had a hard time keeping the characters clear in my mind. Our book club had a good discussion though and we were glad to brainstorm which author we'd like to delve into if we had that luxury -- Barbara Kingsolver, Louise Erdrich, Charles Dickens, Graham Greene...

So --a recommended read? Jane Austen-a resounding yes, this book not so much.


P.S. Students, we need to hear from you to keep this blog going. Please send us a short review--any book is good. Details are on the blog. We'll all appreciate it!

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