Friday, March 27, 2009

Writers Conference

Everyone is talking, of course, about the flooding, and UND is strangely quiet without the students. Many of you are using this time to help Fargo sandbag, and we are so proud of you!

Next week something wonderful happens in Grand Forks, really, it does! It's the Writers Conference, and the Popular Librarians will be there, in the audience, listening intently.

We're excited about this year's line-up.

Kristen and I had a fun little mini-conversation about who would be in our IDEAL writers conference. I'm obviously not bound the limits of time and space and little things like dead or alive, so I chose Laura Ingalls Wilder, Geoffrey Chaucer, Neil Gaiman, and Agatha Christie.

Who would *you* like to see?


1 comment:

S. Clark said...

My ideal Writer's Conference line-up would be David Foster Wallace, Simone de Beauvior, T.C. Boyle, Art Spiegelman, Alison Bechdel, Mark Twain, and David Sedaris. These are not necessarily my favorite authors, but they would sure make for some interesting discussion panels. Avoiding the constraints of time and space is completely awesome!