Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Same time, the next year

I've been reminiscing about being a "popular librarian" the past year. It's been great -- meeting authors, reading people's comments, and -- best of all -- having coffee, um WORKING with Janet. I was re-reading a posting I made almost exactly a year ago titled We Need More Book Reviews! The same is true today--we need your reviews. We started this blog to give UND community members a space to talk about books. The postings don't have to be long and they don't have to be only on books in the popular reading collection. Write about a book popular (or not) with you and send it in an email, we'll post it.

On another note, Janet and I and the other librarians are spending time in the Memorial Union with laptop in hand, ready to answer questions as you finish up term papers, research projects, etc. Please stop by to say "Hi" at the very least. We'll be at a table near the Union info desk 10:30-1:30 until May 7th.


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